Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Diet-- To Die or Not to Die?

My cousin inspired me to write today's post, (Thanks Monique!) and so I will give you my opinion on dieting and exercise.

There are two things that my parents enstilled in me and most of my siblings; first and foremost was a religious foundation, but the second thing they made completely clear to all of us was the importance of healthy eating (hence the subject). I am very grateful to them for both of these foundations.

Have you ever noticed that the word "Diet" begins with the word "Die"? Some of that may have to do with the fact that many people in our country associate the word with deprivation and starvation, when in actuality it is defined as "food and drink considered in terms of its qualities, composition, and its effect on health". You are what you eat. If you eat healthy foods moderately, you will have a healthy body. If you eat a lot of unhealthy foods, you will have an unhealthy body. It's not so much about being fat or skinny as it is being healthy. I know this now from my own personal experience. Shortly after my husband and I got married, I gained a bunch of weight. At the time I wasn't too worried about what or how much I was eating, but I thought it was strange that even though I exercised (more than needed) I just couldn't seem to shake off the weight completely. I hear things about metabolisms slowing down and such, but I was only 20! It wasn't until almost a year after I had Brooklyn that I decided to give the good old-fashioned food pyramid a try at mypyramid.gov. (guidelines and portion recommendations for ANY foods) I never felt like I was sacrificing any of my favorite foods, because I knew how much of what category I was allowed to consume for my age, height and weight. The important thing is to keep most of what you are consuming healthy, and limit the junk food and sweets, or as the food pyramid would call it, "extras". I've been losing weight at a steady 5 pounds a month from this and 30 min. of moderate exercise 3-5 days a week, and have found that I am still losing weight! All because I changed how I eat, not what I eat.

Moral of the story? You don't need to die to lose weight! It's really quite simple once you get the hang of it.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The Excitement is Here!

The holidays are finally in the air, I can just smell it! I've finished my gifts for half of my family members...however, they are not wrapped and put under our tree. Why? Well, because when I pulled out our Christmas tree a couple of weeks ago--the top of it was missing! So while I might be full of Christmas spirit, my house doesn't really show any of it :( . Brett promises we'll get a real one this year, but those won't come out until AFTER Thanksgiving! And while most of you think that's how it's supposed to be, well, I won't even be in my home long enough over Christmas to enjoy it! By the time I actually get my tree up, I'll only be home for about 2 weeks, and then we're out of town for the rest of the holiday! So I feel like my festive mood has been snuffed this year, and I can only hope for better luck next year... oh well. :(

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Day 7: My Honey...

My husband would definitely be that someone who has made my life worth living for. He's a romantic, he surprises me all the time on days I would least expect it. He's there for me through thick and thin, whether I'm being a perfect angel or a pain in the butt! He's a wonderful father to our beautiful little Brooklyn, he's spiritual, intuitive and loving. I will always love him, whether he's being a saint or a pain in my butt! He's my man, and I can count on him no matter what's going on in our lives.

Day 6: Fast Food

Something I hope I never have to do is work at a fast food restaurant! Nevada's economy isn't looking too hot these days, after all, it is the WORST state in the U.S. when it comes to economical issues. A lot of people are desperate. But working somewhere greasy like McDonalds?? Please, please, please no!! Just the thought of coming home in work clothes with that smell....yuck! Anyway, that is all on this particular subject (short, sweet and to the point! ;)).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 5: Religious History

So the thing I hope to do one day, is visit all of the places with religious (Christian/lds) history. I've already been to palmyra, I want to visit Kirtland, Far West, Haun's Mill, Nauvoo...but most importantly, I REALLY want to see Jerusalem! That about sums up today's subject ;)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 4: Salon Drama

So today I have to forgive someone for how they ruined my life! So here it is...I went to get my haircut (when I say cut, I mean style cut not actual cut!) at a salon I was referred to, and the end result was actually pretty good (style-wise) for the price...but then I realized that 3 inches of my hair went missing! I didn't notice how much length she really took off in there until I got home! So now, instead of having really long hair which was the way I WANTED to keep it, I came home with medium-length. :( So lately, I've been wearing my hair in ponytails everyday just waiting to get some of my length back, because I didn't like the way it looked any other way. So, (deep breath) my dear stylist, I forgive you. Just please don't ever scare me like that again! :p

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 3: A little too organized...

Okay, so I may not always look like an organized person when you catch me on the wrong day... :) but when I really get into organizing things, I literally can't stop! I start getting rid of things that we're not using but most importantly, giving away clothes that aren't fitting. After 5 months of committed exercise, I have dropped almost all of my excess weight...but because of my organizing sprees over the years, all of the clothes that I would've had that would fit me right now, are GONE! So in essence, I have almost no wardrobe right now and I am kicking myself for EVER giving away those cute clothes! It's nice being small again...but awkward because I have to wear clothes that are loose or too big because I have no other choice right now! THIS is something I have to find in my heart to forgive myself for, and I am just hoping that I have actually learned from this terrible mistake. In the mean-time, I will continue to be frumpy-looking until I can afford to fix this horrible tragedy! (Why oh why??)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day 2: Determination

You call it stubborness, I call it determination. This particular trait of mine has seen me through the toughest of times. For some reason, when there's something I want, if I hear anyone tell me I can't do it, I do everything in my power to prove them wrong! While this may not always work to my advantage, it usually does work about 90% of the time. The end result is so rewarding, everything I do leading up to it is completely worth it. I guess you could say, I love this about myself because it has provided me with a feeling of accomplishment and worth...and so, while my stubborness can make me a pain for some people, the struggle makes me a stronger and more confident person.

The End....for today :)

Day 1: Vices

Okay so I know this is a little late to be Day 1, but here it is anyway :)

Something I hate about myself aka vice. Mine right now? Would be that I can't keep anything clean these days! It almost seems like mission impossible. My dear child has separation anxiety 24/7, which makes it really difficult for me to do ANYTHING other than pay attention to her. So the few moments I do get all to myself (when she's sleeping), I want to spend doing something fun that isn't draining...which doesn't always include the house unfortunately! Laundry is the most difficult, and everyday it piles up higher, the more frustrated I get with myself for not squeezing in just a few extra minutes of laundry time! So in summary? I hate that I'm not keeping up with my house! I'm pretty sure I'll have to resort to a babysitter for a few hours to get things in order again....

Friday, October 22, 2010

30 days of truth

Totally stole this idea off of my good friend Alicia (thanks! ;)) but I think it's a good idea! It gives you a subject to write about everyday for a month! Probably not the easiest thing to do, but it's better than staring at my blog wondering what to post! Any of you are welcome to join me on this journey also...Now, let's play! :)

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself
Day 2: Something you love about yourself
Day 3: Something you have to forgive yourself for
Day 4: Something you have to forgive someone for
Day 5: Something you hope to do in your life
Day 6: Something you hope you never have to do
Day 7: Someone who has made your life worth living for
Day 8: Someone who made your life awful, or treated you with disrespect
Day 9: Someone you didn't want to let go, but just drifted
Day 10: Someone you need to let go, or wish you didn't know
Day 11: Something people seem to compliment you the most on
Day 12: Something you never get compliments on
Day 13: A band or artist that has gotten you through some tough days. (write a letter)
Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter)
Day 15: Something or someone you couldn't live without, because you've tried living without it
Day 16: Something or someone you definitely could live without
Day 17: A book you've read that changed your views on something
Day 18: Your views on gay marriage
Day 19: What do you think of religion? Or what do you think of politics?
Day 20: Your views on drugs and alcohol
Day 21: (scenario) Your best friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
Day 22: Something you wish you hadn't done in your life
Day 23: Something you wish you had done in your life
Day 24: Make a playlist to someone, and explain why you chose all of the songs. (Just post the titles, the artist and letter)
Day 25: The reason you believe you're still alive today
Day 26: Have you ever thought about giving up on life? If so, when and why?
Day 27: What's the best thing going for you right now?
Day 28: What if you were pregnant or got someone pregnant, what would you do?
Day 29: Something you hope to change about yourself and why
Day 30: A letter to yourself. Tell yourself EVERYTHING you love about yourself

Whew! I know some of these subjects are pretty intense and I'm pretty sure I might skip over some of these! But nevertheless, this is a fun idea!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sleep-Deprived and on Wit's End!

As some of you may already know, Brooklyn has decided to stop sleeping through the night and has completely tossed the idea of naps! This has been extremely exhausting not only on her system but mine! I've gotten to the point that I see no reason to go to bed after I've put her down for the night because I know I'll be up again with her in just a couple of hours tackling her to sleep sometimes for half an hour, sometimes for hours! I've never been an advocate for the Ferber method of sleep for children but I also knew it was time for a change for my little toddler. So, I did a little researching. Turns out there are a few professionals with books out that support my idea of sleep training and not all is lost! Desperate for a change, I made a trip to the library a couple of days ago and checked out this book titled "No-cry sleep solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I couldn't put the book down! She made a lot of excellent points that save a lot of guessing, and also made a list of children's sleep cues that I just wouldn't have guessed meant she was tired during those times! Needless to say, she has begun her journey of sleep-training, and while this method may or may not produce immediate results, the end result is what matters most....sleeping through the night again! This is one battle that I will win. "Parenting is not a sprint, it's a marathon!" -Elizabeth Pantley
Wish me luck!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hiding a Candle Under a Bushel...

Coming from both my Mother's and Father's sides, is a history of music...singing and playing the piano are the two things that I learned best from them both. However, I had no idea how good I had it until it was time for me to move out on my own--then suddenly, there was no piano to play. Sure I would be in choirs here and there, but my ability to play the piano is beginning to fade. A keyboard does not suffice, because I was spoiled with a real one! I have not revealed to barely anyone now the fact that I actually can play the piano...I am so guilty of not telling ANYONE in church I can play! Why? Well, because I am not the greatest at performing under pressure, and since at church the only time a piano is in need is when a hymn is played, I haven't uttered a word to anyone in my ward that I can play because I am so embarrassed by the way I stumble over the keys when I play! For some reason, this is the one talent that I experience the worst kind of stage fright. So (deep breath) now you know :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Frenzy

I don't know what it is about the Fall that makes me go crazy, but every year there is no doubting my mood to reflect on life (write in my journal more), bake everything possible I can think of, scrapbook, decorate, plan on Halloween/Christmas crafts, sew, design...virtually anything creative! That's me....in the fall, in a nutshell. I love the smells, the change in season (although, here in Vegas it's just hot all the same!), the new colors, the excitement in the air for what's to come. This part of the season is not only my favorite, but opens up a whole new set of emotions in me. I'm more excited, more daring and bold, more....intense? Is the word I'm looking for? I suppose these emotions and ambitions will have to do for the fall as it is, since there's no going back to school until springtime anyhow. At least I have plenty of things to occupy my time with!

P.S. Did I mention that all of these crafts and such that I do are mostly out of satisfaction, but not to keep for myself? Like that baking part for example? Any takers? ;)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Brooklyn's 1st Birthday

I have been planning this moment for months now, and it finally came! Our beautiful little Brooklyn just turned 1, and I am both thrilled and saddened by this event. It seems like yesterday when we drove to the hospital in anticipation of the delivery of our baby girl, and this past year flew by faster than I was prepared for. It won't be long before she's walking now, she pulls up and cruises onto everything and I can tell that she doesn't really need the support of the objects she holds onto to help her stand. I hear mothers tell me that one day she'll just start walking out of nowhere, and it's bound to catch me off-guard. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by that news, just about everything she does is both surprising and new.

...Moving on to her first birthday experience, the party was a hit! She loved all of the attention she was getting. She crawled from one person to another and tried to get into everything she could get her hands on. It was almost impossible for me to keep her little birthday crown on, and I am lucky I got so many pictures of her actually wearing it! I spent four days making her castle cake (which I thoroughly enjoyed!), and when we gave her a piece, she couldn't care less about it. All she wanted was the princess on the cake! All in all it was a great party, and she had no problem with sleeping in the next morning (lucky me!).

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Can't Figure This Blogging Business Out!

Brett and I have talked about doing a blog before, and he started one when I was pregnant with Brooklyn. The trouble is, that we have forgotten how to get into that account and so I have created a new one. However, blogging is so completely different from facebook, I'm not so sure how to network with this! How do I find my friends? Is this even a little like facebook? Please help!