Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sleep-Deprived and on Wit's End!

As some of you may already know, Brooklyn has decided to stop sleeping through the night and has completely tossed the idea of naps! This has been extremely exhausting not only on her system but mine! I've gotten to the point that I see no reason to go to bed after I've put her down for the night because I know I'll be up again with her in just a couple of hours tackling her to sleep sometimes for half an hour, sometimes for hours! I've never been an advocate for the Ferber method of sleep for children but I also knew it was time for a change for my little toddler. So, I did a little researching. Turns out there are a few professionals with books out that support my idea of sleep training and not all is lost! Desperate for a change, I made a trip to the library a couple of days ago and checked out this book titled "No-cry sleep solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I couldn't put the book down! She made a lot of excellent points that save a lot of guessing, and also made a list of children's sleep cues that I just wouldn't have guessed meant she was tired during those times! Needless to say, she has begun her journey of sleep-training, and while this method may or may not produce immediate results, the end result is what matters most....sleeping through the night again! This is one battle that I will win. "Parenting is not a sprint, it's a marathon!" -Elizabeth Pantley
Wish me luck!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Hiding a Candle Under a Bushel...

Coming from both my Mother's and Father's sides, is a history of music...singing and playing the piano are the two things that I learned best from them both. However, I had no idea how good I had it until it was time for me to move out on my own--then suddenly, there was no piano to play. Sure I would be in choirs here and there, but my ability to play the piano is beginning to fade. A keyboard does not suffice, because I was spoiled with a real one! I have not revealed to barely anyone now the fact that I actually can play the piano...I am so guilty of not telling ANYONE in church I can play! Why? Well, because I am not the greatest at performing under pressure, and since at church the only time a piano is in need is when a hymn is played, I haven't uttered a word to anyone in my ward that I can play because I am so embarrassed by the way I stumble over the keys when I play! For some reason, this is the one talent that I experience the worst kind of stage fright. So (deep breath) now you know :)

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Fall Frenzy

I don't know what it is about the Fall that makes me go crazy, but every year there is no doubting my mood to reflect on life (write in my journal more), bake everything possible I can think of, scrapbook, decorate, plan on Halloween/Christmas crafts, sew, design...virtually anything creative! That's the fall, in a nutshell. I love the smells, the change in season (although, here in Vegas it's just hot all the same!), the new colors, the excitement in the air for what's to come. This part of the season is not only my favorite, but opens up a whole new set of emotions in me. I'm more excited, more daring and bold, more....intense? Is the word I'm looking for? I suppose these emotions and ambitions will have to do for the fall as it is, since there's no going back to school until springtime anyhow. At least I have plenty of things to occupy my time with!

P.S. Did I mention that all of these crafts and such that I do are mostly out of satisfaction, but not to keep for myself? Like that baking part for example? Any takers? ;)